The minute Susan Ciminelli hit the streets of New York City she drew a celebrity crowd. They had one thing on their minds – how they could get their skin to glow like hers. Coming from Buffalo, New York, where harsh weather and the wrong diet and lifestyle wreaked havoc on her skin, Susan took matters into her own hands, bucked every trend, and over the years became a true pioneer of holistic beauty and health. She turned her own skin and health around, and has devoted her life to teaching and helping others to achieve the inner peace and outer radiance that is known all over the world as “The Susan Ciminelli Glow.”
Growing up in Buffalo, Susan knew even then that the processed and snack foods her mother stocked in the pantry were having a negative effect on her skin and her health. At 14 she was diagnosed with an ulcer, and she frequently had rashes and breakouts. She quickly found out that stress equals bad skin. “I didn’t understand the correlation then, but my body was showing me every day how not to eat, and how not to live”, she says. From then on, she was a teenager with a mission.
When her friends went to the mall and shopped, Susan would sit on the floor of the health food store and read books on natural health and healing. On instinct she began performing shiatsu and reflexology on herself. Soon she was practicing her newfound knowledge on her friends. On weekends they’d sleep over and she’d feed them clean, healthy food, steam their faces over herbal teas, whip up masks from fresh ingredients and their skin quickly cleared up.
At 15 Susan went to live with relatives in Italy, and for the first time felt like she was where she belonged. People there didn’t stock up on canned foods – they shopped for fresh ingredients every day. It was here that Susan learned about energy meridians in the body and other Eastern and alternative medicine concepts from one of her relatives who was a surgeon who practiced acupuncture. She began to combine Eastern and Western philosophies into her own unique method.
Later Susan would travel extensively throughout Europe, where she learned about European Spa treatments, particularly thalassotherapy (seaweed treatments). She would visit India and Egypt many times, learning about unusual essential oils that she eventually incorporated into her own product line.
Back in the US, Susan moved to New York, landing a job at a cosmetics counter in Bloomingdale’s, where she advised women about good skin and nutrition as she applied her employer’s make up on them. She developed quite a following. She started her own spa in her apartment, and over the years she moved to larger and larger spaces, until 1996 when she moved to the penthouse at Bergdorf Goodman where she remained for over 10 years. She now has a spa located on 57th Street built for a full day of beauty. The Beauty Clinic offers only the best certified and established experts in New York City, that provide holistic nourishment with hydrating and healing treatments such as Broad Ban Light rejuvenating treatment, Aromatherapy Facials, Slimming Body Treatments, Massages, Waxing, Anti-aging treatments, Make-up application, Nutritional Consultation & more.
Although today many people take for granted what Susan pioneered years ago, to this day she continues to go against the trends. “I fight the chemists every step of the way to get my products manufactured the way I want them. I insist on the ingredients I myself have discovered in my travels around the world and on the level of purity I demand. I refuse to compromise that!”
Beyond wonderful products, Susan developed a method of using them that infuses the skin with nutrients and moisture like a fluffy puff pastry.
Her famous trio of essential oils, Seawater and Marine Lotion, applied with her unique layering process is unmatched anywhere.
This is in sharp contrast to the rest of the industry. Even now, despite what everyone knows about good health and skin care, the conventional wisdom is that you have to destroy the skin to help it. Microdermabrasion, laser peels Retin-A, glycolics and the like, all do more harm than good. But those in the know, who embrace Susan’s nurturing approach, have the beautiful, glowing, young looking skin to prove it.
And perhaps most importantly, while everyone else offers false hope, Susan delivers useful advice, products and services that actually work. You leave Susan empowered with knowledge you can use for a lifetime of health and beauty. Thanks to Susan’s holistic approach to beauty, you leave not only with the benefits of a facial or massage, but with an overall sense of balance and peace, thanks to Susan’s total and nurturing approach to beauty.
Visit the spa and find out what Susan’s teenage friends knew back in the 70’s. You can’t sleep over any more, but you can get Susan’s undivided attention, her pure, natural products, and the soft, dewy complexion the world recognizes as “The Susan Ciminelli Glow.”