Enjoy a super fun interview with amazing chef Natasha “Tash” Feldman. Check out her videos on www.noshwithtash.com
Want to step up your cooking game but afraid of words like “deglaze” and “Julienne”? Even if you have minimal free time or culinary skills, I’ll help you be the boss of your own kitchen without having to quit your full-time job or ruin your relationship. Follow along and get easy-to-follow tips, recipes, and videos that will have you creating delicious, healthy meals faster than you can learn to pronounce “sous vide.”
I’m a culinary school drop out + private chef who didn’t always love to cook. While studying Shakespearean acting in London, at a time when the US dollar was at an all time low, I wound up spending more time trying to figure out how to save money by making my own simple stews and quick rising breads than memorizing my lines. I quickly discovered that I got greater pleasure from looking at stacks of walnut speckled brownies and wheels of cheese from Borough Market than I did from taking a final bow at the end of a show.
Upon return to the states, my newfound love for cooking led to me fumbling my way (almost all the way) through a culinary degree from LATTC and a slew of jobs as an assistant teaching cooking classes. In 2014 I decided it was time to experiment with combining my love of performance with my love of cooking and, after a little bit more fumbling, Yahoo agreed to air a cooking show I co-produced, directed and hosted. Ever since, I’ve been both in front of and behind the camera, taking every opportunity I can to spread my enthusiasm of simple cooking and great food. For more on my professional experience check out my Press Page. Wanna say hello? Please do!